
Data of the tile.



Property Name Description
Name Tile name
Type Type of tile.
Position Upper left coordinates on the texture (pixels).
Size Width of one tile (pixels).
Width width
Height height
Uv Shift Inside Texel value of how far the UV is shifted inside the tile.
Animation Number of frames to the frame animation. The image of the animation, you must be arranged to the right from the coordinates that you specify in the Nostalgia.Tile.position.
Animation Frame Rate Animation frame rate.If you specify a negative value to reverse playback.
Color Tile of color
Combination Group Name Combination group nameIf the tile of the same combinationGroupName is adjacent to combine. combinationGroupName does not bind to other than the same tile in the case of empty.
Combination Side Flags It controls the combination of each side.
Tile Collider Tile collision detection.
See Tile Collider for configurable Tile Colliders.