
Here you will find detailed references and instructions on how to use Nostalgia. Please refer to the following links for more information.

The manual uses Unity 2019.4 for explanation.
Please note that the appearance may differ depending on the version and settings of Unity.

  • Getting Started
    For those who want to use for the first time Nostalgia You are a basic overview and operation.
  • TileSet
    Describes TileSet that handles tile information to be placed on Map.
  • Map component
    Explains how to edit Map.
  • Components
    Explains the supported components other than Map.
  • Scripting
    Describes the scripts available in Nostalgia.
  • Window
    Describes various windows.
  • Troubleshooting
    Learn what to do if you run into problems with Nostalgia.
  • Extra
    Introducing special features that make Nostalgia even more convenient.
  • Update guide
    If you want to update to the latest version, please refer to this guide.
