
Type Name Description
AssetObject The base class of the object to be an asset.
Async Class for asynchronous processing.To start the process, please call StartCoroutine (Async.Process());.
BucketTileAsync Do Map.BucketTile() asynchronously.To start the process, please call StartCoroutine (BucketTileAsync.Process());.
Cell Cell data are arranged on the grid.
CellObject Components that are attached in Create CellObject
Chunk Rendering chunk of Map.You do not need to manipulate the chunk basically.
ChunkGraphic A component for rendering Chunk on Canvas.
Collider2DExtensions Extension method of Collider2D
CollisionCell Cell collision information
CollisionTile Tile collision information.
It can be received by implementing ITileCollisionReceiver in TileComponent.
ComponentUtility Component utility class for Editor
Map Components of 2D tile map.And it may be attached to a GameObject.
MapCollider Class for Collider to combine.
PixelPerfectCamera A component that supports Pixel Perfect for Camera.
Point2 Classes for handling two-dimensional integer coordinates.
ProfilerScope Disposable helper class that manages the Profiler.BeginSample / EndSample.Simple to use the using You can write Profiler.BeginSample / EndSample.
PutTileAsync Do Map.PutTile() asynchronously.To start the process, please call StartCoroutine (PutTileAsync.Process());.
RefreshAsync Do Map.Refresh() asynchronously.To start the process, please call StartCoroutine (RefreshAsync.Process());.
RemoveBucketTileAsync Do Map.RemoveBucketTile() asynchronously.To start the process, please call StartCoroutine (RemoveBucketTileAsync.Process());.
RemoveTileAsync Do Map.RemoveTile() asynchronously.To start the process, please call StartCoroutine (RemoveTileAsync.Process());.
SortingLayer Change the Sorting Layer of Renderer that is attached to the GameObject.
Stamp Class that contains the stamp information of the Map
Tile Data of the tile.
TileBoxCollider Box type of tile collider
TileCircleCollider Circle type of tile collider
TileCollider<T> Convenient class to specify the type of Collider2D by generic
TileColliderBase Base class of TileColliderIf you want to inheritance be done from TileCollider class that corresponds to the generic.
TileComponent Base class of the Component can be added to the Tile.To define the required data by inheriting this class.
TileEdgeCollider Edge type of tile collider
TilePolygonCollider Polygon type of tile collider
TileSet Data of the tile set.
TypeUtility Type utility class