
Class in Nostalgia / Inherits from: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject


Base class of TileColliderIf you want to inheritance be done from TileCollider class that corresponds to the generic.


Field Name Description
isTrigger Is Trigger be set to Collider.
offset Offset in the case where the center of the tile is set to 0
physicsMaterial PhysicsMaterial2D be set to Collider.


Property Name Description
tile It is associated with tile


Method Name Description
GetRequireColliderType Get the type of request to Collider2D.
IsUpdateCollider Determines whether the need to update the colliderIn the inherited class, to determine the change of property to each other as needed.
OnValidate Called when the script is loaded or the value of the Inspector changes (Editor only)
UpdateCollider To update the Collider
UpdateColliderProperty Method to update the property of Collider2D.Thing in the inherited class to describe the process of updating the property as needed here.